
We offer a full range of Pediatric Dental Services.

Looking for something in particular? We have a list of services offered right here:

Preventative Care
  • Cleanings: Every child receives a full cleaning at each dental visit. We will use a hand-piece and other instruments to plaque and calculus that can lead to gum disease and tooth decay
  • Fluoride Treatment: Fluoride will be placed on your child’s teeth to help strengthen them against bacteria that can lead to decay.
  • Oral Hygiene Instruction: A big piece of preventing cavities is understanding what leads to cavities. We will spend time with each parent and child in order to provide important information that will help you maintain good oral health at home.
Comprehensive Clinical Exam:
  • It is recommended that a child receive their first dental exam 6 months after they get their first tooth or at 12 months old, whichever is sooner. These early dental visits help a little one become more comfortable with all of the sights and sounds at a dental office. During these visits, our team will provide valuable information that will help you care for their teeth at this young age. Our team will review tips that will help reduce risk for dental decay as your child grows.
  • After a child’s first dental visit, it is recommended that they receive dental check-ups every 6 months. Before the exam, we will do a thorough review of your child’s health history. This will help us identify any potential medical conditions that can increase the risk for your child to develop cavities. During this exam we will do a complete cancer screening as well as check for cavities and discuss any concerns about their oral habits. We recommend that your child receive radiographs every 6 months. These will help us to see cavities in between teeth as well as any other concerns that can’t be seen visually.
  • Your child will be shown the proper technique on how to brush their teeth twice a day and how to floss once a day. We will spend individual time with your child and they will be equipped with all of the tools necessary to keep their smile healthy and bright!
  • Tooth colored fillings: When a child has a cavity, the doctor will remove all of the decayed portion of the tooth. A tooth colored filling called a resin will be used to fill the tooth back in. The color of the resin will match the tooth as closely as possible.
  • Extractions: Every effort will be made to prevent having to “wiggle” a tooth out but sometimes this is necessary. There are several reasons for a tooth to be pulled out including, severe decay, to make room for adult teeth to come in, and severe fractures. Every effort will be made to make this experience as comfortable as possible for your child.
  • Stainless Steel Crowns: If a baby tooth has multiple areas with cavities or if a previous tooth colored filling has failed, it is recommended by the AAPD to place a stainless steel crown. Stainless steel crowns are durable which means it is unlikely they will need future treatment before the tooth falls out naturally. 
  • Pulp therapy: If a cavity becomes extremely large it can reach the nerve or pulp of the tooth. When this happens, a pulpotomy or baby root canal is needed. This is a common procedure done on baby molars. The nerve of the tooth is removed and a medicated filling is placed to fill the tooth and a stainless steel crown is placed over the top to protect the tooth. 
  • Space maintainers: If a baby tooth is lost prematurely, a space maintainer may be necessary. Without a space maintainer, a tooth on either side may tip and close the space. This will prevent the adult tooth from coming in properly and will require orthodontic treatment to correct.
  • Mild Sedation: We offer mild sedation for patients that are a little nervous or for procedures that are more complex that require a greater time to complete. A small breathing mask will be placed on your child’s nose and a mixture of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and oxygen will be used to provide mild sedation. Your child will be awake and breathing on their own the entire procedure but will feel relaxed. After completion of the procedure, the nitrous oxide will be turned off and your child will breathe oxygen for a few minutes. Recovery is extremely quick and your child will be able to return to their normal activities immediately.

    General Anesthesia:
    This type of treatment is completed while your child is completely asleep. We work with trained medical anesthesiologists who will monitor your child while the dental procedures are being completed. This type of sedation is similar to what is done while removing tonsils or having ear tubes placed. Treatment under general anesthesia is beneficial for children that have anxiety, that are young with extensive treatment and children with special needs. All treatment can be completed during one visit and they will not remember any of it.
Dental Emergencies
  • If your child has a toothache or has a tooth knocked loose please contact us. We will see your child as soon as we can, most times on the same day. Sometimes it is difficult to determine if your child needs to be seen right away. Here are some things to consider:
  • If your child has a permanent tooth knocked out they need to be seen right away. Try to not hold the tooth by the root and rinse gently to clean off any debris. Place the tooth in milk and bring it with you to the office. A baby tooth that is knocked out does not need to be put back into place but a thorough exam should be completed in order to rule out other injuries.

  • If your child chips a tooth, try to locate the chipped portion place it in milk and bring it with you to the office. The chipped portion can potentially be bonded back to the tooth.

  • If your child has a toothache, clean the tooth with a toothbrush and floss around the tooth. Look for any swelling around the gums. Call the office and schedule an appointment. If your child has any swelling that is affecting breathing, take your child to the emergency room immediately.

  • We are ready to help with any dental emergency. Please do not hesitate to call so we can get your child out of pain and back to their normal life.

  • Mouth guards: The best way to prevent dental injury while participating in sporting activities is to wear a mouth guard. There are several options to choose from and we can help custom fit a mouth guard to meet your child’s specific athletic needs.

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